Jennifer Dulos

School choice/ Floridians by birth or by car ride

I am down to the wire on school choice. I did actually check in with Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone for the month of April. And guess what, I am not supposed to sign any contracts until April 4, tomorrow! Clarity after confusion. This all makes sense.

Kind of.

But I will just go with it and pretend to be happy, with zero confliction. Making my life easier, keeping what’s working in place. Hoping to move everyone en masse in 2-3 years time. I’ll go from being a FVAM mom and FVAM-centric, to being Renbrook centric, if they will have all five of us, or six, including me, later on.

It’s hard, not to have two choices, to make a choice. To decide and thus close off one road of possibilities. But, like in marriage, in that it may not be closing doors of possibility but rather opening news ones: Greece, Waterskiing, Snow Skiing, Starting a new design, construction and development company, Moving to Connecticut, (and then 5 times within the state), Having five kids! Well, sometimes a choice means a larger life in general, not a smaller one. And the choice makes you narrow down your focus, to actually apply your energy somewhere where it is an investment, and not just an expenditure.

Investing time in your kids, their schoolwork, writing, etc. Verses spending time on things that don’t add up, like, say, deciding!

So, Fotis is in Florida. Drove down Monday night with Yorgos to ski for the week. Test out his healing or healed rib. To yet again escape to the singular world of: his sport. At least Yorgos was there to share in the (20 plus hour nonstop) ride, to watch Fotis ski his first day back. To bare witness, like the sole survivor of a once fought, obscured-by-history war. (Sorry, HB, but you’d laugh too.)

We sent them both photos from the breakfast table of what most Floridians look like:

When Fotis returns: signed school contracts; I know where the playscape will go and where not to put nor aim the irrigation system; more wall art up; Grandparents’ Day celebrated at the kids’ school. A trip to New York on Saturday to see the Rangers last in-season game before the playoffs. And, a second night seder at my parents’ with my best friend Carrie and her husband Stephen (who, incidentally — successfully in all areas of his life — graduated from Renbrook.) Not to come full circle, but ya.

We love Stephen, his family, (all siblings went there), and to me they represent what’s alluring and still so great about the school. (As does my awesome neighbor Carolyn who graduated there as well.)

Is there time to enroll in both? We’d just have an inordinate number of sick/absent or “personal” days accumulated.

But I will just go with it and pretend to be happy, with zero confliction. Making my life easier, keeping what’s working in place. Hoping to move everyone en masse in 2-3 years time. I’ll go from being a FVAM mom and FVAM-centric, to being Renbrook centric, if they will have all five of us, or six, including me, later on.

[An aside. I decided to take the boys down to Bermuda as my “graduation” gift to them. 4 nights/3 days, or 3 nights/3 days, (still have to work that one out) at Elbow Beach, where we can eat three meals a day together, marvel at the taxi drivers steering from the right side of their cars, have me be a lunatic about reapplying sunblock, them wearing life jackets in rough water, and not begging for soda the entire trip. I am looking forward to: sharing a room. The looks on their faces. Sunshine and warmth. Huddling in bed with them. Going into town to get something for their siblings back at home. Memories, that we all three will share in. Momentous (pink! Bermuda!) ones.]

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